Strategic planning sessions

Strategic planning sessions

A series of strategic planning sessions will take place over the next four weeks to get input from all sectors of the King’s community on the university’s long-term vision of success and to identify critical priorities and strategies for the next five years. 

Here is the schedule of sessions. Background material will be sent to each group in advance.

Administration: Tuesday, 26 February, 9.00 AM-3.30 PM, Board Room (Dr Cooper, Kim Kierans, Jim Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Yeo, Adriane Abbott, Tasya Tymczyszyn, Nick Hatt, Neil Hooper, Gary Thorne, Alex Doyle)

Staff: Thursday, 28 February, 9.00 AM-12.00 noon, Board Room

Faculty: Saturday, 9 March, 8.30 AM-3.30 PM, Board Room

Students: Week of 4 March. The KSU will announce the date and location.

Board: Thursday, 28 March, 9.00 AM- 12.00 noon, Board Room

Alumni: Thursday, 28 March, 4.00 PM-7.00 PM


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