BA (Vind), MA (Western), PhD (McMaster)
Mike Bennett’s research explores the areas of overlap between philosophy and evolutionary science, the relationships between truth, language and therapy in classical Athens and postwar Paris, and the use and abuse of the history of philosophy. He is the author of Deleuze and Ancient Greek Physics: The Image of Nature (Bloomsbury 2017), co-editor of the interdisciplinary collection Deleuze and Evolutionary Theory (Edinburgh University Press 2019), and his current project critically examines the prestige of the Roman poet Lucretius in “new materialist” theory.
Since earning his PhD in Philosophy from McMaster University in 2014, Dr. Bennett has taught at King’s in various positions, including as a Faculty Fellow and Senior Fellow in the Foundation Year Program and an Assistant Professor (LTA) in Contemporary Studies and the History of Science and Technology.
Recent and Forthcoming Publications
- “Introduction: The Life of the Incorporeal,” in Émile Bréhier, The Theory of Incorporeals in Ancient Stoicism, translated by Jared C. Bly and Ryan J. Johnson. Edinburgh University Press, forthcoming.
- “Barad’s Diffractive Methodology and the History of Philosophy,” Angelaki: A Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, forthcoming.
- “Go Nomadism, Evolutionary Computation, and Natural Selection: A Response to Jay Lampert,” Deleuze and Guattari Studies, vol. 18 no. 2 (2024), pp. 277–88.
- “Nail’s Lucretius: Strong Misreading and Whig History,” Parrhesia, vol. 34 (2022), pp. 119-51.
- “Habermas’s Interpretation of Arendt in The Future of Human Nature: Communicative Reason, Power, and Natality,” Philosophy Today, vol. 65, no. 3, Summer 2021.
19th- and 20th-century European philosophy; poststructuralism and postmodernism; science studies and philosophy of science; gender, sex and sexuality; biopolitics and bioethics; philosophy and ecology; history of philosophy (especially ancient Greek and Roman); language and logic