Campus & Community
Student Services
Campus Safety
Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response

Sexualized Violence Prevention and Response

Sexualized Violence Awareness, Prevention and Response Policy

In December 2018, King’s Board of Governors approved the university’s stand-alone policy on sexualized violence. The implementation of King’s Sexualized Violence Awareness, Prevention and Response Policy is currently underway. The policy is posted below:

Read the policy in full Learn more about the SHSO and Sexualized Violence Policy View a flowchart of the reporting process

A Sexual Health and Safety Officer (SHSO) has been hired and will assist in the implementation of this policy. Their primary responsibility is to assist individuals affected by sexualized violence. The SHSO provides coordination, support and services for those who have experienced sexualized violence, receives disclosures and reports, facilitates safety planning and assists survivor/victims through the disclosure or report process.

Statement of Principles: Cultivating Healthy Boundaries & Guidelines for Healthy Relationships with Students

In June of 2023, the Board of Governors endorsed a Statement of Principles: Cultivating Healthy Boundaries & Guidelines for Healthy Relationships with Students.  The document is below.


Healthy Boundaries with Students

Jordan Roberts (she/her)

Sexual Health and Safety Officer,

jordan.roberts@ukings.ca | 902 229-6123

Office: Room 062C in the Deane Little Community Support Centre in the Link. Confidential voicemail and text option. Calls and messages responded to Monday - Friday 9-5.

Safety and Support

King’s has a critical responsibility to prevent sexualized violence and to support anyone affected when it occurs. This includes increasing awareness that sexualized violence happens at King’s.

Anyone interested in learning more about sexualized violence and how to support survivors can access this free online training course developed as part of the Nova Scotia Sexual Violence Strategy.

University of King's College

Warning Signs of Date Rape Drugs and Drink Tampering 

The most common date rape drug is alcohol, and the majority of sexual assaults happen between individuals who know one another.

The effects of substances used as date rape drugs (e.g. GHB, rohypnol and ketamine) can include dizziness, memory loss, confusion, and loss of consciousness. The same precautions you would take at other bars, such as not leaving your drink unattended, should be exercised anywhere you consume alcohol, including the Wardroom and at parties on- or off-campus. There is the risk of drink tampering anywhere alcohol is served. Drink tampering can happen and has happened on campus.

If you suspect you or a friend may have been drugged:

  • talk to one of the Wardroom staff
  • contact Residence Life Staff by calling 902 422 1271 x 132
  • dial 911

On-Campus and Community Supports

If you are the survivor/victim of sexualized violence, you are not alone and it is never your fault.

Please reach out for help and support.

People who are here to help

Residence Life Staff | After-Hours: 902-422-1271 ext. 132

Students in residence can reach out to their don, or another don they feel comfortable with. There is always a don on call after-hours.

DSU Sex Education & Resource Centre (DSUSERC) | dsugssc@dal.ca

DSU Sex Education & Resource Centre (DSUSERC) is a confidential, non-judgmental, sex positive, pro-choice, queer positive, non-heterosexist and feminist information and navigation service for support regarding gender, sex, and sexuality.

Mi’Kmaq Crisis and Referral Line | 1-855-370-2099

A phone line is available 24/7 toll free to Mi’kmaq people across the province.

Men’s Helpline | Dial 211 for Intake

The Men’s Helpline is for adult men who have concerns about their well-being, safety, the safety of others and/or who may be experiencing a crisis. This free, confidential service will be offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By calling 211, men can access a variety of supports and services that are specific to their needs, including information, navigation, referrals, and brief intervention counselling.

University of King's College

If you know someone who has experienced sexualized violence and want support for yourself, there are also supports for you.

You can learn more about supporting a friend at breakthesilencens.ca.

Find more information about sexualized violence in this resource by Dalhousie University

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