Academic Programs
Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture
Nominate the next Alex Fountain Memorial Lecturer

Nominate the next Alex Fountain Memorial Lecturer

You can now submit your speaker suggestions for the Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture. The Alex Fountain Memorial was established in 2011 by Fred and Elizabeth Fountain and their daughter, Katherine, to honour their late son, Alex. Each year, the speaker is chosen by you, the student body.

From February 24–March 7, suggestion boxes will be set up outside of Prince Hall and in the Wardroom.

Who would you like to hear speak? Let your imagination soar—perhaps a favourite author, poet, musician, politician, entrepreneur or activist.

Find out more about this special series and some of the previous speakers, from Zadie Smith to Michael Ondaatje, from Emily Wilson to Miriam Toews.


Nominations are now closed. Stay tuned for the next round of voting coming soon.