Prof. William Lahey, President and Vice-Chancellor, University of King’s College
invites students enrolled in the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction Program
to Matriculate

Friday, June 7, 2024
University of King’s College Library

Matriculation is an old tradition arising out of the practices of medieval universities to mark the formal admission of a student to the university. Students ceremoniously signed the register (in Latin matricula) to enroll in the institution. The ceremony signals the joint commitment of the institution to the education of the enrolling student and of the student to their responsibility as a contributing member of the university community.

12–12:45 p.m. – please arrive at the King’s Library Steps at 12 p.m. Students will process into the Reading Room of the Library at 12:15 for the ceremony and the signing of the Matricula.

12:45–1:30 p.m. – Lunch Reception in the President’s Lodge

Students returning for their second year of study and students who are beginning their program in June 2024 are invited to Matriculation. Attendees must RSVP by Wednesday, June 5 at 5 p.m. ADT to attend the ceremony.

RSVP for Matriculation


Dress protocol: academic gowns are required. Students can pick up their gowns between 8:30–9:30 a.m. in the lobby of the Arts and Administration Building (often called the ‘A&A’) on the day of the ceremony. You will need a piece of photo ID to sign out an academic gown. Participants are invited to wear traditional dress from their culture.

Gowns can be returned to the A&A Lobby after the ceremony between 2:45–3:15 p.m. and 4:45–5:15 p.m.

The oath: we encourage students matriculating to familiarize themselves with the oath ahead of the ceremony. This oath is spoken in Latin during the ceremony. Students are not required to know the oath in advance of matriculation, and will be provided with a copy of the oath during the ceremony.

Student Oath at Signing the Matricula

Ego in Universitate Collegii Regalis discipulus sancte polliceor me legibus pariturum, traditionesque meliores eius culturum, ita ut praeceptis eius convivendi eruditionisque oboediam, necnon et ipsius academiae et populorum ubique diversorum dignitatem atque salutem quantum in me fuerit per reliquam vitam procuraturum.

[I, a student of the University of King’s College, do solemnly promise that I will obey its regulations and best traditions in order to serve the precepts of communal life and of learning, and that for the rest of my life, so far as in me lies, I will care for the honour and welfare both of this College and of various peoples everywhere.]


For more information about Matriculation, please reach out to