Alumni & Friends

Alumni & Friends

You can always come home to King’s

You’ve left King’s for the next stage of your life, and yet King’s has a way of being with you forever. It’s where you found your academic interests, made significant friendships, joined societies, teams, and where you sang, studied and dined together. It’s where you rallied, gave back to the community, and above all, where you challenged yourself. And as a King’s graduate, you will always be part of this thoughtful community.

Whether you have just experienced Encaenia or you are looking forward to milestone events, whether you spent five years in the quad or just one, the common experience of King’s binds all alumni. You are life-long members of the oldest Alumni Association in Canada.

The foundation for life

Your personal stories reveal achievements in many different fields of endeavour, each eloquently answering the question, ‘why King’s?’. And now we are here to help you maintain the friendships that were made and to encourage new connections. Keep in touch to stay connected, and enjoy the many King’s benefits and services.

University of King's College

Kimberly Gosse

Alumni Relations Manager, Advancement Office

kimberly.gosse@ukings.ca |