Alumni Association

Dear Alumni,

As the university evolves to support and make meaningful connections with students, partners, and friends of the university from different perspectives, backgrounds, and geographies, so does the Alumni Association’s approach to supporting one another and those new to the fold.

While the world is full of unknowns, there are some truths we can rely on and use as our guideposts:

  1. We are connected by our shared experience of place and education at King’s.
  2. We believe in the power of learning and education.
  3. We are all uncertain as to what the future will bring.
  4. We all need true friendships.
  5. Everyone needs help getting started.

I believe it is our responsibility as alumni to act on these truths. And so, this year we will be pushing ourselves to arrange and implement more opportunities for connection, networking, and supporting one another and the university.

As students of King’s, we were raised to be great talkers. We talked in the Quad and in the Wardroom. We debated philosophical ideologies over coffee. We orated in The Pit.

This year, I am asking us to also be great doers.

Do attend events. Do donate. Do participate in panels. Do volunteer to organize. Do connect with students looking for advice. Do share stories and posts about the school. Do tell people about King’s.

Across social networks, the King’s website, and email newsletters, we will spend the year sharing opportunities for all this doing with you. We hope you heed the call.

Stephanie is wearing a red and white striped shirt under a black blazer. She stands in front of a snowbank with evergreens in the background

Through action we will strengthen our network, empower students, and bolster the university’s profile.


Stephanie McGrath
Alumni Association President

University of King's College

Come back to King’s!

No matter where you are, being an active member of the Alumni Association is a great way to stay connected, make new friends and be an ambassador for the University of King’s College.

We’re seeking alumni who are interested in participating on:

  • the Executive
  • the Careers after King’s Committee, which oversees networking and professional development
  • the Alumni Ambassador Program, which allows alumni to volunteer to support virtual and in-person alumni events in their region. This low-commitment and high reward program offers alumni the opportunity to become involved in events that interest them and work with their schedules.

If any of these opportunities are of interest, please email Kimberly Gosse for more information.

University of King's College

About the Alumni Association

The Alumni Association has over 13,000 members, 37.5% of whom graduated in the last 10 years, drawn from the following groups:

  • people who have received a degree, diploma or certificate
  • honorary graduates
  • people who have been registered at the university for the equivalent of one year
  • part-time students who have completed five full-credit courses
  • people who have lived in residence at the university during an academic year

The Association has alumni in 82 countries around the world. If you are interested in learning more about King’s Careers after King’s Committee or becoming involved in the Alumni Ambassador Program, please contact Alumni Relations Manager Kimberly Gosse.

Public Documents

The Executive

The Alumni Association Executive meets quarterly to conduct the business of the Association. The Executive is a volunteer board that is supported in its business through the university’s Advancement Office.

The current Executive is committed to developing programming to increase engagement among alumni around the world.

Alumni Association Executive

University of King's College

Get in touch

Alumni Association
c/o Kimberly Gosse
Advancement Office
University of King’s College
6350 Coburg Rd.
Halifax, N.S.
B3H 2A1


Advancement Office street address:
1559 Brunswick Street, Suite 205
Halifax, N.S.