The King’s Theatrical Society Presents


Classics in the Quad

The King’s Theatrical Society presents their annual Classics in the Quad play. This year’s selection is the tragedy Medea by Euripides. The production is directed by Adrianna Vanos, stage-managed by Alex Retzer, and produced by Lara Van de Venter and Luke Cameron. 

The plot centres on the actions of Medea, as she seeks revenge against her husband Jason, who has left her and their children to marry the royal princess.

Vanos says that in a current context, the play tackles feminist themes important to reflect upon in any community. “Throughout the play, Medea becomes an example of how patriarchal inflicted suffering cultivates a motive for women to turn against one another. The piece, for me, ultimately stands as an example of the suffering that can be inflicted, on both self and others, when women are pitted against one another within the patriarchy.”

Vanos has focused on translating the emotion of the piece to both the audience and the actors. The production will be using different mediums, such as impacting visuals and music, to provide this effect.


Nurse: Marianne Lassonde
Chorus Members: Jessica Hannaford, Siobhan Best-Roberts, Ella Macdonald, Sam Sharp, Tessa Hill, Gaby Miller
Tutor: Gwendoline Chant
Medea: Zia Shirtliffe
Creon: William Poetker
Jason: Hal Rotman
Aegus: Benjamin Burchell
Messenger: Joanna Daley
Glauce: Victoria Gibbs