CTMP 3610/GERM 3610 | Memory, Politics, Place: Berlin’s 20th Century
This month-long, 6-credit hour course provides students with a unique opportunity to explore the themes of collective memory, public space, and historical trauma in Germany’s capital city. Through daily seminars, site-visits, flânerie and museum tours, you will gain an extensive knowledge of the ethical, aesthetic, and public struggle to take responsibility for history, in a city that is both freighted with the past and alive to the future.
Course Director: Dr. Sarah Clift, sarah.clift@ukings.ca
Course Instructor: Dr. Maria Euchner, maria.euchner@ukings.ca
EMSP 2510 | Early Modern Art, Literature, and Politics in Florence, Italy
Taught entirely on site in Florence, Italy, this month-long, full-credit (6 credit hours) course provides a unique opportunity for students to consider the art, literature, philosophy, and politics of Early Modern Italy (1280-1580) through daily visits to the city’s churches, palaces, and museums. Students will gain a profound knowledge of the civic, ecclesiastical, and domestic spheres of Renaissance life through an interdisciplinary analysis of contemporary objects, spaces, and texts.
Instructor: Dr. Justina Spencer, justina.spencer@ukings.ca