The King’s Theatrical Society Presents

Little Death

Written by Daniel Sarah Karasik
Directed by Daniel Halpern
Produced by Luke Cameron and Antoinette O’Keefe
March 11-14

Little Death focuses on Ali, who has been diagnosed with a terminal illness, their long time partner, and others around them. This piece explores unconventional relationships and illustrates different ways of how intimacy is experienced.

This show will take place in the Pit at the University of King’s College from March 11 to March 14 at 8pm. Doors to the Pit will open at 7:45.

Tickets are pay-what-you-can starting at $5 for students and $10 for general admission. You can reserve online at and pay at the door. Box office will open in the A&A lobby at 7 p.m.  at which time you can pay for pre-ordered tickets. All tickets that are not picked up by 7:45 p.m. will become rush tickets.

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