The 2013 investigative journalism team of Laura Hubbard, Kate McKenna, Natascia Lypny, Emily Kitagawa, Tari Wilson, Rana Encol, and Luke Orrell is a finalist in the 2013 Canadian Association of Journalists Awards. The team has been nominated in the CAJ/CNW Group Student Award of Excellence category for its project, ‘Warehoused’, which was was carried out in partnership with Huffington Post Canada. Congratulations to the whole team and faculty adviser Fred Vallance-Jones.
Congratulations also go out to Frances Willick (BJ ’00) for her work with Chronicle Herald colleague Selena Ross on the Rehtaeh Parsons story, who is finalist in the Open Media Category. And Robert Cribb (BAH ’89) was part of the Ryerson University/Toronto Star team, which is a finalist in the Scoop Category for its investigation into the food safety records at care facilities in Toronto.
The winners will be announced on 10 May 2014 at the CAJ Awards gala and conference banquet in Vancouver.