All Faculty and Alumni, all members of the Board of Governors, except undergraduate members of the University, all Bachelors of Divinity and Masters and Doctors of the University, all Fellows and all Inglis Professors of the University of King’s College are invited to submit nominations for honorary degrees (DD, DCL, DCnL) and honorary fellowships (HF) (the honour of Fellow of the University may be conferred by the vote of Convocation upon any friend of the University for noteworthy services rendered on its behalf).
Nominations should be submitted to the Clerk of Convocation, in care of the President’s Office, by noon on Monday, February 13th, 2023. Convocation meets at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 in the Boardroom, Arts and Administration Building. Alumni of five years’ standing are eligible to attend Convocation and vote. All members of Convocation have a vote. (see below)
Nominations should come in three parts:
The first part should be a letter to the Clerk of Convocation, in care of the President’s Office (, stating the full name of the candidate that you are proposing, the person’s address, any relevant contact information, and the honorary degree or fellowship for which you are nominating the person.
Attached with the letter should be a 300-450 word statement explaining why this person would serve as an outstanding candidate for the honour. You should explain individual achievements with details and why the nomination is relevant to the University of King’s College. It would be helpful if this were provided in electronic form. This statement will be presented to the Honorary Degrees Committee and, if the candidate’s name goes forward, may serve as the basis for a statement to be read aloud to Convocation as information for the honour. Please ensure the statement is no longer than 450 words or it cannot be used by the Committee.
To your letter and statement you may append relevant supporting material such as articles about the person or other information that can be used by the Honorary Degrees Committee in their judgment of this candidate.
It is important to remember that not all candidates nominated can be put forward to Convocation for a vote. The Honorary Degrees Committee will provide the best possible slate for consideration by Convocation.
If you are in doubt about this procedure, you may contact the President’s Office at or (902) 422-1271 x 121.
As taken from the Blue Book of By-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the University of King’s College
2. All members of Convocation shall have a vote.