Change to withdrawal (W) date for King’s and Dalhousie courses

Change to withdrawal (W) date for King’s and Dalhousie courses

Dear students,

Earlier this afternoon, Dalhousie distributed the memo below. The withdrawal (W) date for all fall term courses has changed to November 25 and we are confirming that this change applies to all courses at King’s as well as Dalhousie.

Please continue to monitor your university email inbox for any further changes to academic dates or course delivery at Dalhousie. As always, you are encouraged to contact us at registrar@ukings.ca for any academic advice.

Take care,


To:              Dalhousie students

From:         Leslie Phillmore, Associate Vice-President Academic

Date:          Friday, November 4, 2022

Re:             Change to course withdrawal date

Further to yesterday’s message about the remainder of the fall term, we wanted to update students on an important academic measure approved by the Senate Planning and Governance Committee (SPGC) on behalf of Senate.

The withdrawal (W) date for all Fall Term courses has changed to November 25. For information on the withdrawal process, please visit the Registrar’s Office website.

SPGC also approved changes to the Dalhousie syllabus policy that will give departments, programs and individual faculty members greater flexibility when it comes making adjustments to current courses. Everything possible will be done to ensure any changes do not disadvantage students in their progression through their academic programs.

These initiatives are a small part of the broader university-wide contingency planning to support students through this strike and allow for completion of as many fall term courses as possible. As we acknowledged yesterday, these plans will look a little different across our Faculties and will need to be adaptative depending on the duration and impact of the strike — more specifically, different or additional measures may be necessary the longer a strike continues.

Some students may begin hearing from their Faculties, programs and instructors over the Study Break about changes to course delivery. We promise to update everyone on the status of our continuing response as we work through these important contingencies with our Faculties, departments and programs.


Leslie Phillmore
Associate Vice-President Academic

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