Nova Scotia Budget: King’s President Dr. George Cooper’s message about tuition fees 2015-2016

Nova Scotia Budget: King's President Dr. George Cooper's message about tuition fees 2015-2016

From Dr. Cooper:

I attended this morning’s Final FYP Lecture and heard concerns from students about how yesterday’s Nova Scotia provincial budget will affect students at King’s.

King’s tuition and fees for 2015 -2016 will not be affected by yesterday’s provincial budget.  

The King’s Budget and Advisory Committee (BAC) has been meeting for over five months and their recommendations are based on a 3% general increase in tuition fees, the international differential fee and other fees such as the facility renewal fee. These increases are the same as Dalhousie’s and are put forward in the context of the need to balance the university’s budget in the face of rising costs, and only a 1% increase in the provincial operating grant.  The BAC’s recommendations will come to the Board for approval at its June 25 meeting.

Yesterday’s provincial budget announced that Nova Scotia universities will be allowed to make a one-time market adjustment to tuition, after which a 3% cap on tuition increases will apply for Nova Scotia undergrads.  There will no longer be any cap on tuition increases for out-of-province or graduate students. 

It is premature to speculate how these changes might affect tuition rates for 2016-17 and ensuing academic years.  Like Dalhousie, King’s will remain committed to maintaining nationally competitive tuition rates that balance financial sustainability with ensuring a high quality academic and student experience. Any changes will be considered as part of an open and consultative budget process in the coming year, with many opportunities for students and other stakeholders to contribute to the process.

George Cooper
President and Vice-Chancellor
University of King's College

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