Trevor Adams in the running for a national editors’ award

Trevor Adams in the running for a national editors' award

Trevor J Adams (BJH ’98) is a finalist  in the Editors’ Association of Canada (EAC) annual Tom Fairley Award for Editorial Excellence. This award recognizes an editor’s outstanding contribution to a work published in Canada in English or French in 2013. Trevor was nominated for his work on Halifax Magazine.

“Adams is an editor with a passion for his city and its stories, and his energy shines through in his work,” says the EAC. “He is described by one judge as ‘a natural leader and mentor with a smart, strategic approach to the magazine,’ so it’s obvious why Halifax Magazine’s contributors say they do their best work under his guidance. The judges were impressed by his support for new writers and his dedication to growing and developing the publishing industry in Nova Scotia.”

The winner will be announced on 7 June.

Photo by Tammy Fancy, fancyfreefoto.com

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