Haydn Watters, BJ(Hons)’15: “Popping up” in Barrie

Haydn Watters, BJ(Hons)'15: "Popping up" in Barrie

Haydn Watters is taking on an exciting new experiment for CBC Radio: a one-person, mobile, pop-up news bureau in Barrie, Ontario.

And what does that mean, you ask? “Well, I don’t have an office and I’m on the road—a lot!” explains Haydn. “Basically, the CBC van functions as the office. I’m equipped to file for online, radio and TV and the goal is to make sure Barrie area stories and people are getting representation on CBC both provincially and nationally.”

Barrie’s one daily newspaper closed last November, which makes Haydn’s job even more essential for the community. “I get to present local stories that wouldn’t get told otherwise.”

“I am so lucky to be here, making sure Barrieites are heard.”

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