Among the 114 films that are streaming online this week as part of the FIN Atlantic International Film Festival, King’s alumni have produced a documentary feature, two documentary short films and a live action short.
Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Ariel Nasr, BA(Hons)’05 is included among the festival’s gala presentations with his feature-length documentary The Forbidden Reel. The film is a chronicle of the efforts Afghan filmmakers took to preserve their national cinema amidst civil unrest in their home country. Nasr’s film can be viewed online for a 24-hour period that starts at 7 p.m. on Monday, September 21. An online Q & A with Nasr will be held after the 7 p.m. gala screening.
Directed by Travis Devonport, BJ(Hons)’20 and Ellery Platts, BJ(Hons)’20, The Lonest of Wolves is an award-winning documentary short about Nova Scotian photographer Steve Safke. The film gets its festival premiere this week as part of the NextGen Shorts Program. Devonport and Platts began work on the film for the School of Journalism’s Video Documentary Workshop. When King’s was forced to close its campus due to COVID-19, the pair collaborated at a distance to finish editing the film.
Two more journalism grads from the Class of 2020 will debut their documentary short at this year’s festival. Lucy Harnish, BJ(Hons)’20 and Feleshia Chandler BJ(Hons)’20 directed The Mad Scientist of Hubbards, about local designer Allan Carver, whose large-scale constructions blend art and technology. The film runs in the Atlantic Shorts Program 2.
Atlantic Shorts Program 1 will host the world premiere of Mark Palermo’s MFA’19 comedy short Smartificial. It tells the story of how “an elite community respond[s] with varying degrees of acceptance and hostility toward their new neighbour, a promiscuous AI named Johnny.” A veteran of the Atlantic film industry, Palermo’s 2004 short The Killing of Kings also premiered at the Atlantic Film Festival.
Gala features, including The Forbidden Reel will stream for a limited time only, while all other films will be available to stream until Thursday, September 24. Tickets for all films may be obtained online at