Message from Public Health – Positive Covid Exposure at King’s

Message from Public Health - Positive Covid Exposure at King's

Dear King’s faculty and staff and students,

Please read this letter just received from Public Health [PDF].

Although the salutation reads ‘students and staff’, this letter concerns everyone, and in particular anyone on campus April 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, May 1st and/or May 2nd.

Public Health is following up directly with those who had close contact. However, out of an abundance of caution, we have confirmed with Public Health that they request anyone who was on campus on these days be tested for COVID-19, whether or not you have symptoms.

Please visit https://covid-self-assessment.novascotia.ca/en to book a COVID-19 test or call 811 and identify yourself as someone Public Health asked to be tested from University of King’s College.

As this is a precautionary measure, you are not required to self-isolate while waiting for your test result, unless you have any symptoms. Again, please read the attached.
And, as always, please remain vigilant with your personal health and safety protocols.

Thank you,

Bonnie Sands

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