Vincent Masse

Vincent Masse

Associate Fellow; Associate Professor, Department of French, Dalhousie University

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Vincent Masse Vincent Masse

BA, MA (McGill), PhD (Toronto), PDF (Paris IV)

Vincent Masse is Associate Professor in French, co-appointed in European Studies and Canadian Studies, Associate Fellow in Early Modern Studies, and Associate Editor (Web) for Dalhousie French Studies. His research focuses on 15th-17th-century Contact Literature (literature born out of new cultural interactions or conflicts), Ephemeral Literature (news bulletins and/or prophecies mass-produced prior to the advent of newspapers), and Apocalyptic Literature (religious or quasi-religious depictions or discussions of the end of all things). The combination may appear eclectic, but Dr. Masse would argue that eclecticism, and interdisciplinarity as well, are useful or even required to address the time period, so that scholarship on Early Modernity properly accounts for the eclectic and interdisciplinary nature of Early Modern scholarship itself. 

Dr. Masse also teaches medieval literature (check out FREN 3300/4300 Mondes parallèles), “Love and Death” in French or European Literature (FREN 3400/4401, occasionally offered in English as EURO 2101), and – on the conjunction of Apocalyptic Literature and Popular Culture – FREN 2666 The End of the World, from ‘A’pocalypse to ‘Z’ombies. 

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