Taking its name from the “laurel” wreaths worn by graduates in the middle ages, the King’s Baccalaureate service is an Anglican service of Choral Matins held in the Chapel at 10:30 a.m. on Encaenia day.
The graduands who wish to attend should assemble in their gowns and hoods at 10:15 a.m. in the Boardroom, after which they will process into the Chapel and sit together as a class.
Attendance is optional, but graduands are strongly encouraged to participate in this traditional college service led by the Chaplain and Chapel Choir. The service lasts for one hour, and includes a brief address given by one of the honorary degree recipients or another special guest. The service includes contributions from a number of faith traditions and is meant to be inclusive for all. Family and friends are welcome to attend.
There are no tickets required for this service.