Christopher Murphy

Christopher Murphy

Inglis Professor

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Christopher Murphy Christopher Murphy

BA (St. FX), MA (Dalhousie), PhD (Toronto)

Christopher Murphy’s current research and teaching interests lies in the sociology of policing, security and governance, social and criminal justice, and social policy research. He has conducted both academic and policy related research on a variety of justice issues, such as victims services, comparative police organizations, community based policing, aboriginal and Japanese policing, private policing and security, and police rationalization.  He is currently engaged in research on international policing and governance, the impact of security on public policing and the policing of migration and immigrant communities in Canada. He regularly teaches courses in Criminology, the Sociology of Law, Police and Society, and Issues in Social Justice and Social Policy Research. He has published numerous journal articles, research reports and book chapters based on his research.

Selected Publications

  • 2005. “Communities of Policing and Policing Communities: A Comparative Study of Policing in Two Urban Communities,” (with C. Clark) in Re-Imagining Policing in Canada, Ed. D.Cooley, University of Toronto Press. pp. 209-259.
  • 2005. Police Studies Go Global, Police Quarterly,Volume 8, No.1, pp. 137-145.
  • 2004. La  “Securitisation” du Community Policing-Anglo-American, Les Cahiers de la securite interieure, 55, 1 trimestr, Paris pp. 37-59.
  • 2002. “The Rationalization of Public Policing In Canada: A study of the impact and implications of resource limits and market strategies in public policing: The Police Future Group, CACP, Electronic series No. 1 (posted September 2000).
  • 2001. Review of Manning and Forst, ‘The Privatization of Policing,’ Criminal Justice Review, Vol.125, No.1 (Spring).
  • 2000. “Public Policing and Private Security in Postmodern Canada,” J.Richardson (ed.), Police Futures Group.  C.A.C.P.  Ottawa.
  • 1999. “Police Research in Canada: Current Trends and Future Prospects.” Canadian Journal of Criminology, Vol. 41, No. 2. (April 215.
  • 1998. “Policing Postmodern Canada.” Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Vol.13, No. 2, pp. 1-25.

Dr. Murphy’s Dalhousie Faculty Profile