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2015 Encaenia
Roselle Green’s Baccalaureate Service Speech

Roselle Green's Baccalaureate Service Speech

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Delivered May 14, 2015.green_sq

Institutions are the stuff of life. Our rules of law, our parliamentary system, our community, our family, our halls of learning–these are just a few of the institutions that make us a civil society. There is also an interconnectedness between institutions and traditions and because King’s is a representation of both, your experience here has been unique—in the jargon of the day, the experience has been transformative and disruptive.

Think about it. Those of you who have chosen the wordsmith’s craft recognize that trust and integrity are the foundation of professionalism. Those of you who have chosen a different study track have honed your reading and writing skills, analyzed the works of great novelists and essayists, learned about the wonders of Darwin and Newton, been introduced to the concepts of great political figures from Socrates down to those of the present day, and gained insight into various art forms.

You have been encouraged to be curious, to embrace a multitude of ideas. You have gained insight into the power of democratization and advocacy. You have come to appreciate the value of critical thinking. You have done it all. Including: sunning yourself in the quad while one of your friends, draped in a white sheet, acted out a part from a Greek tragedy, or listening to a classmate recite a Shakespearean sonnet.

And now you have come to this place, a humble chapel, to hear the pure, majestic voices of the chapel choir, to pray, to give thanks, or simply to reflect. Your cumulative King’s experience is a memorable one. You have only been here for a short while, but King’s footprint will be with you always.