Campus & Community
Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities

Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities

The University of King’s College invites applications for the position of Faculty Fellow in the Humanities in the Foundation Year Program (FYP). This is a three-year appointment, commencing 1 July 2025 and ending 30 June 2028.

Duties include teaching and marking in an interdisciplinary and team-taught program for first-year students which considers the western tradition (including works of literature, philosophy, religion, art and science) from the ancient world to the present. Faculty Fellows in the Humanities conduct tutorials of approximately 15 students for four to eight hours a week and attend lectures for eight hours a week. They are also expected to grade bi-weekly essays in a timely fashion, conduct weekly office hours and help in the administration of program-wide initiatives. Faculty Fellows will normally be invited to give a limited number of lectures in the Foundation Year during the second and third years of their term. All candidates will have an MA or equivalent in some area of the humanities or social sciences as a minimum.

The Foundation Year Program is particularly interested in candidates who can help enhance its ongoing curricular diversity initiatives. Thus, expertise and experience in teaching interdisciplinary humanities or social sciences content related to historical encounters between western and Indigenous/non-western cultures, as well as some knowledge of Indigenous/non-western traditions and/or gender, sexuality, race and empire would be assets, though not required, for the Faculty Fellow in the Humanities position.

Salary: $52,343-56,627, subject to Board approval.

A letter of application, along with a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference and a teaching dossier, should be sent to Dr. Neil Robertson, Director, Foundation Year Program, c/o Elisabeth Stones, University of King’s College, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2A1. Complete applications, along with letters of reference, should be sent electronically to fypoffice@ukings.ca by Monday, 7 April 2025.

The position is subject to enrolment and budgetary approval.

The University of King’s College is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action Employer. We encourage and welcome those who would contribute to the diversification of our staff and faculty including, but not limited to women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, visible minorities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

This position is posted in accordance with the Collective Agreement between the University of King’s College Teachers’ Association and the University of King’s College.