Laptop Lending Program

Loan Policies for Laptops

Only King’s and Dalhousie students, faculty or staff may sign out a laptop. A valid University ID must be presented when signing out the equipment. To sign out a laptop, your library account must be in good standing, i.e. no outstanding fines $10.00 or over. Laptops may be borrowed for three hours and can be renewed once, as long as no other eligible library patron is waiting to borrow one. Renewals must be done in person at the circulation desk.

In order to borrow a laptop computer—which will include a power cord and a carrying case—the library patron must sign the Laptop Loan Agreement. Advance bookings/holds for laptops are not available. Laptops may not be removed from the Library and do not circulate overnight. For late returns, an hourly fine ($10.00 per hour to a maximum of $100.00) applies. Laptops must be returned 30 minutes prior to the closing time of the circulation desk and must be returned directly to staff at the circulation desk so that the equipment can be checked.

Any laptop computer not returned before the circulation desk closes will be presumed to be stolen or lost. The following charges will be applied to a stolen or lost laptop:

  • Any accrued fines.
  • A $50.00 non-negotiable, non-refundable processing fee.
  • An $1,800.00 replacement fee



Who can borrow a laptop?

All King’s and Dalhousie students, faculty and staff with a valid University ID card may borrow a laptop from the circulation desk in the Library. You must present your card to sign out a laptop. You will be asked to read and sign the Laptop Loan Agreement before borrowing a laptop.

Where can I borrow a laptop?

Laptops are checked out at the circulation desk.

What is the loan period?

Laptops may be borrowed for a period of three hours or until 30 minutes prior to Library closing time, whichever is sooner. They must remain in the library. Laptops are available on a first come, first served basis; no advanced booking. Laptops may be renewed once in person at the circulation desk if no one is waiting for one.


What software and hardware is available on the laptop?

All laptops have Windows XP operating systems installed. Also included are Microsoft Office, and other standard applications for Windows systems.

Can personal software and documents be saved on the laptop?

It is highly recommended that all documents be saved by logging in to Novell and accessing your G: drive or by saving on removable media. While you can temporarily save data to the laptop, all saved data and settings are erased permanently when the laptop loses power, is restarted or shut down. Data stored on the desktop or C: drive is automatically erased upon return of the laptop to the circulation desk. The library assumes no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, any files placed on or used on the laptop.

Can I access the Internet with the laptop?

The computers are equipped with wireless network cards. To connect to the campus wireless network you must launch the Virtual Private Network (VPN) client from the desktop and login with your NetID and password.

Can I print from the laptop?

Yes. In order to print to the library printers, you must login to Novell after launching the VPN client.  Instructions are provided with the laptop. The charge for printing is $0.10 per page.

What comes with the laptop?

The laptop will come in a carrying case with a power cord. There is no mouse provided.

Who is responsible for theft or damage to the laptop?

You are! Laptops not returned before the circulation desk closes will be presumed to be stolen or lost.   Replacement charges may be applied and fines of $10.00 per hour will also be charged.

Where do I return the laptop?

Laptops are to be returned to the circulation desk in the Library. Do not drop the laptops into the return bins or leave them on the counter. You should be prepared to wait a few minutes while the staff verifies that all items have been returned in good condition.

What if I need help?

The expectation is that you will be self-directed in using the laptops and are familiar with the Windows XP and Vista platforms and Microsoft Office.

For login issues related to your NetID and password, please contact the Help Desk at 902-494-2376. Hardware problems should be reported immediately to the circulation desk. For assistance with using library databases or resources, visit the information desk at the Library or call 902-422-1271 ext 171.

Use of the Library laptops is governed by the University of King’s College Code of Conduct and Dalhousie University’s Acceptable Use Policy.