Calling all alumni to come celebrate Saturday, May 31, for Alumni Day 2025!
Start the day with the annual brunch—catch up with old friends, make new ones and celebrate your peers as the Alumni Award recipients are honoured. Tour guides will be on hand to take you on a stroll down memory lane and so much more!
For information about tickets for the alumni brunch, please contact Interim Alumni Relations Manager, Candice MacDonald at Check back on this page soon for more details.
Alumni Brunch & Alumni Awards Ceremony
11 a.m.–1 p.m. Prince Memorial Hall. Doors open at 10:45 a.m. Registration required.
Indulge in a curated menu from Chef Aaron MacDonald. Come celebrate the 2025 Alumni Award winners and, as is tradition, we’ll have a special celebration for the anniversary classes of 1975 (50-year), 2000 (25-year) and 2015 (10-year). Additionally, we are celebrating the class of 1990 (35-year) and the 10-year anniversary of the MFA program. All alumni are welcome to attend the festivities!
King’s Campus Tours
Attend a guided tour of King’s and explore the transformations that have taken place in the Quad since your time as a student.
1:15 p.m.–2 p.m. | Campus tour
Interested alumni should gather in the foyer of the Arts & Administration Building five minutes before tour begins. No registration required.
1:30 p.m.–2:30 p.m. | Guided Tour of the King’s Library Treasure Room
Dive into nostalgia and discovery at the Library Treasure Room. Take a journey through the heart of your alma mater’s legacy, by exploring special collections, archives, and hidden gems. Meet at King’s Library at 1:25 p.m. Registration required.
MFA Ten-Year Anniversary
2025 is the tenth anniversary of the creative nonfiction graduating class! Celebrations will include the first King’s Creative Writing Conference and a CNF reception. Newly minted MFAs—including our first Fiction cohort—will spring from Encaenia on May 29 into this weekend of festivities.
Wardroom 35-Year Gathering
2 p.m.–7 p.m.: Come celebrate with the Class of ‘90! Enjoy light snacks, great music and even better conversation. The Wardroom will be open all Saturday afternoon for Alumni Day attendees. All are welcome!
G-Street Band at Pacifico
8 p.m.: Dance the night away at the Pacifico, 5171 George St, Halifax. The G-Street Band is playing Saturday night and features King’s very own grad Liz Rigney BA’90!
Have any ideas for other evening plans? Email Interim Alumni Relations Manager Candice MacDonald with your ideas!
Want to make a weekend of it?
Feeling nostalgic about your days in residence? The Wardroom will be open the evening of Friday, May 30 for those who wish to kick back and relax in your old stomping grounds.
Residence Room Discount
Email Interim Alumni Relations Manager Candice MacDonald for the alumni discount code on rooms in residence that weekend.