Join us for three different virtual events to mark Consent Week 2023!

Join us September 18th at 1 p.m. ADT for Consent and Post-Secondary Athletics – a virtual panel discussion with current and recent student-athletes from the AUS or ACAA! In this conversation we’ll discuss power dynamics within athletics, toxic locker room cultures, sexual violence within athletics communities, opportunities for change, and so much more. We will also explore gaps and challenges related to consent within post-secondary athletics, and amplify student voices, experiences, calls to actions, and dreams for safer campus communities. To register, go to

Join us on September 20th at 1 p.m. ADT for Reimagining Residence Life – a virtual panel discussion with students who work/have worked in Residence Life! In this conversation, we will cover topics such as education and training for ResLife staff, supports needed for sexual violence prevention and response in residences and opportunities for change. In this event we will explore the gaps and challenges related to consent in residence, and hope to amplify student voices, experiences, calls to actions and dreams for safer campus communities. To register, go to


Join us on September 22nd at 1 p.m. ADT for Student Made Safe(r) Spaces – a virtual panel discussion with student leaders from student clubs, societies, groups or programs on campus! In this conversation we will discuss creating safer spaces, working towards a culture of consent on campus and opportunities for change. We will explore the gaps and challenges of sexual violence prevention and response within post-secondary, and hope to amplify student voices, experiences, calls to actions and dreams for safer campus communities. To register, go to