King’s will hold its 235th Encaenia on Thursday, May 29, 2025 at 2:30 p.m. at the Dalhousie Arts Centre.

The conferring of academic and honorary degrees takes place during Encaenia, a ceremony rooted in the traditions of Oxford. Encaenia is a Greek word meaning “beginning, commencement,” and the term has been used since the founding of King’s in 1789.

Please see the main Encaenia page for more information on tickets and other information for the day.

Events schedule

Wednesday, May 28

Lunchtime–Grad BBQ in the Quad for graduands, faculty and staff (time TBD), hosted by KSU
5:45 p.m.–Reception in the Wardroom
6:45 p.m.–President’s Dinner in Prince Hall

Thursday, May 29

10 a.m.–2 p.m.–Grad Day Galley will be open, organized by KSU
10:30 a.m.–Baccalaureate Service in the Chapel
12:45–Journalism, Writing & Publishing photo on the steps of the Library
1 p.m.–Class of 2025 photo on the steps of the Library
1:15–Departure of Class of 2025 procession from the Quad to the Dalhousie Arts Centre
2:30–Encaenia ceremony at the Dalhousie Arts Centre
4:45–Post-ceremony reception in Prince Hall
8 p.m.–Final Wardy Night – If your guests are not King’s students or alumni, you will need to sign them in as usual, and each King’s student or alumni may only sign in 2 guests.

Friday, May 30

10:30 a.m.–Coffee with the President in the Lodge




Also visit the Encaenia archives to see previous ceremonies.