Enter our contest by March 17 for a chance to win your FYP books free!
We invite current Grade 12 students to write an essay answering the following question:
How does villainy contribute to a work of literature?
Essays should be no longer than 1,000 words in length and no part of it can be planned, drafted or written by generative AI. The essay should focus on one work of literature. No additional research is required. Please include your name and a title at the top of the document, which must be in Word or PDF format.
Please complete the form and email it with your essay to Kayleigh at kayleigh.shield@ukings.ca no later than Monday, March 17:
The winner will win their FYP books (an approximate value of $750), and their essay will be published on the King’s website.
Please reach out to Kayleigh with any questions, at the email above. We wish students the best of luck with their writing.