Kai Thomas, the bestselling author of In the Upper Country, will be the Writer in Residence during the first King’s MFA in Fiction residency from June 17-25.
Kai will be doing a public reading and talking about his book during a public event at the Halifax Central Library on Sunday, June 18, from 4-5:30 p.m. It’s free and everyone is welcome.
He will also be conducting a masterclass for students in the MFA in Fiction program.
About the book: “The fates of two unforgettable women—one just beginning a journey of reckoning and self-discovery and the other completing her life’s last vital act—intertwine in this sweeping, powerful novel set at the terminus of the Underground Railroad…”
About the author: Kai Thomas is a writer, carpenter and land steward. He is Afro-Canadian, born and raised in Ottawa, descended from Trinidad and the British Isles. In the Upper Country is his first novel.