Campus safety update regarding the wearing of non-medical masks

Campus safety update regarding the wearing of non-medical masks

In our continuing effort to keep each other safe, the University of King’s College now requires the wearing of a non-medical mask or face covering on campus. This addition to our University Central Coordination Plan and to our Residence Safety Plans has been endorsed by our Occupational Health and Safety Committee.

This additional measure, effective today, July 31, has been taken by all of Nova Scotia’s universities to reinforce the decision of the Chief Medical Officer of Health to require mask-wearing in public indoor spaces, which applies to universities. It extends the mask-wearing requirement into spaces not covered by that requirement, such as to the hallways of residences, classrooms and meeting rooms. You can find the provincial order on mask-wearing on Nova Scotia’s website.

We ask individuals to bring their masks when arriving at the campus and to wear them when inside any university building. The spaces covered by the combined effect of the provincial requirement and the university’s policy include hallways, elevators, washrooms, classrooms, dining hall, gym, chapel, meeting rooms and other common areas with the following exceptions:

  1. Individuals with valid medical reasons for being unable to wear a mask.
  2. Masks will be mandatory inside the gymnasium but may be removed during workout activity if you are at a safe physical distance from others.
  3. Individuals may remove their masks when they are alone in a private office (no guests permitted without masks).
  4. Masks may be removed briefly while eating and drinking, provided you are stationary and observing a safe physical distance from others.
  5. Masks will not need to be worn by individuals who are alone in their residence rooms.  All other areas or residence will require wearing a mask.

Masks should be changed immediately if they become damp or soiled; be sure you are washing your hands before putting on your mask and after taking it off, and that you avoid touching your face while wearing one. Frequent laundering is required to prevent cross contamination and microbial build up on reusable non-medical facial coverings.

You can consult these resources for guidance on the selection, usage and care/washing of non-medical masks and face coverings.

King’s is in the process of procuring a bulk order of reusable masks for Students, Faculty and Staff.  Single-use disposable masks are available by request from the Reception in the A&A.  Only one mask per person will be provided at a time, and the University cannot guarantee a continuous supply of disposable masks. Individuals are therefore encouraged to secure their own masks whenever possible.

Physical distancing (2 metres) must still be observed while wearing non-medical masks. Please note that all modes of public transportation also now require masks to be worn.

The COVID-19 University Central Coordination Plan has been updated with these new requirements.

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