Covid Update: Masking Requirement Extended

Covid Update: Masking Requirement Extended

Dear King’s community,

As you know, the university announced on August 10 that masking would be required in public indoor spaces at least until Saturday, September 18. With the agreement of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, this requirement was relaxed on September 3 for communal spaces in residences. Since September 3, masking has been strongly encouraged but not required in those residence spaces.

I am now writing to advise that I have accepted the advice of the Occupational Health and Safety Committee to extend the requirement to wear masks in “academic spaces” until the end of the fall term. Academic spaces include classrooms and public hallways in the Arts & Administration Building, the New Academic Building and the Link. Lecturers and instructors will continue to be allowed to remove their masks to minimize interference with student learning. In addition to the value of masking as a safety measure, the intent of the committee’s advice, which I agree with, is to “to ensure continuity of academic safety rules across institutions.” This refers to the decision of Dalhousie, announced earlier, to require mask wearing in academic spaces until the end of the fall term.

The following summarizes the other mask wearing requirements that will remain in place until further notice or the end of term, whichever comes first:

  • Gym: Mask wearing continues to be required in public areas, including by spectators. Participants in games, practices, workouts and other athletic activities, including aerobics and weight room users, do not need to wear masks.
  • Chapel: Mask wearing continues to be required. Choir singers and officiants do not need to wear masks.
  • Library: Mask wearing continues to be required by library patrons except when seated alone for quiet reading or study.
  • Prince Hall: Mask wearing continues to be required except when eating or drinking.
  • Wardroom (and Galley): Staff will wear masks and patrons can expect to be asked to wear a mask when not eating or drinking.

Thank you for your cooperation and care and concern for each other by wearing your mask so far and thank you for your anticipated cooperation over the rest of the term.

Yours truly,


William Lahey
President, Vice-Chancellor and Professor of Law

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