EMSP in Florence

EMSP in Florence

For three consecutive years, King’s professor of Early Modern Studies Jeanette Vusich has explored Renaissance art, literature and politics in situ with students over a month stay in Florence Italy. Jeanette sends this update from Florence:

“The EMSP Florence course engaged in impassioned discussions of Renaissance art in museums and churches; read Dante, Boccaccio, and Machiavelli in the Boboli Gardens; and enjoyed a wonderful day trip to Lucca.

The highlight, however, came in the form of the final group project. Each group created a themed exhibition by choosing one picture from each of a series of rooms in the Pitti Palace. After days of preparation, they did tours of the gallery, explaining the rationale behind their choices and passionately defending their own personal favourites. Everyone saw something new through each other’s eyes.”

Read about the “Certificate in Art History and Visual Culture” Dr. Vusich has helped to develop in partnership with Dalhousie, and the Study Abroad opportunities at King’s.

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