FYP NEWS: Angus Johnston Tribute – Call for Contributions

FYP NEWS: Angus Johnston Tribute - Call for Contributions

FYP News, the newsletter for the Foundation Year Programme, invites submissions to a special edition to celebrate Professor Angus Johnston (1948-2017). Dr. Johnston’s genius for teaching, and for inspiring teachers, was the moving spirit in the FYP across five decades. The editors welcome diverse submissions of up to 500 words for consideration. We will consider prose reflections, anecdotes, insights about Dr. Johnston’s teaching or writings, comments Dr. Johnston wrote on essays, unique questions he posed during tutorials or exams, poems, photographs, songs, testimonials, memories. Please note that due to length constraints, we may not be able to include all submissions. Contributions and questions should be sent to Dr. Susan Dodd by June 15th, 2017. (susan.dodd@ukings.ca).

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