Get ready for Move-in Day

Get ready for Move-in Day

On Sunday, September 1 at 10am, King’s residence opens to new students. Before you arrive, there are a few things you can do to get ready.

Moving in

  • You can find information about checking in, what to bring and what’s already in your room, and more on our moving in page.
  • If you haven’t already, register for King’s Orientation week, the only student-run O-Week in Canada. You can also check out the Students’ Union’s Move-in Handbook for more information.
  • Learn about our residence services to get a sense of campus amenities like WiFi and laundry.


DalCard is your official university identification card. You will need it in order to access the dining hall, use library services, pay for printing and use for general student identification. If you haven’t gotten you DalCard, get it as soon as possible, please! You won’t be able to access the dining hall and other student services until you have this card.

To get your DalCard

Visit the DalCard office at:

Howe Hall
6230 Coburg Rd.
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

Mon-Wed & Fri
8:30am – 5pm

Thurs only
8:30am – 7pm

Bring a piece of valid government-issued photo ID (driver’s license, passport, or national identity card) when picking up your card.

For more information

Visit www.dal.ca/dalcard

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