HYP Hosts Public Panels on Reconciliation

HYP Hosts Public Panels on Reconciliation

From July 7-16th, The University of King’s College is hosting its 2nd annual session of Humanities for Young People (HYP), our summer program for high-school students. The theme for HYP 2017 is timely: The Challenges of Reconciliation.

As Senator Murray Sinclair noted during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, “education holds the key to reconciliation.” All levels of education have a crucial role to play in recognizing and fulfilling their obligation to engage with the challenges of reconciliation.

This crucial educational work cannot be confined to our campuses. HYP is delighted to invite the Halifax community to two presentations featuring some of Canada’s leading Indigenous scholars and advocates. Both events are free and open to the public.

On Tuesday July 11th at 7pm, Naiomi Metallic will be speaking about how the law can be a tool for reconciliation and improving the lives of Indigenous peoples.

Ms. Metallic holds the Chancellor’s Chair in Aboriginal Law and Policy at Dalhousie’s Schulich School of Law, and is one of Canada’s top-ranked experts in Aboriginal Law. Ms. Metallic will be speaking in the Scotia Bank Auditorium at Dalhousie University.

On Saturday July 15th at 10am, HYP 2017 will culminate in a public symposium, Education and Reconciliation, at Halifax’s acclaimed new Central Library. This symposium will feature Charlene Bearhead and Lisa Robinson.

Ms. Bearhead is the current project coordinator for the Alberta Joint Commitment to Action: Education for Reconciliation, and co-chair of the Downie-Wenjack Fund Board of Directors. Ms. Robinson is Aboriginal Education Officer with Nova Scotia’s Human Rights Commission, and was instrumental in developing Dalhousie University’s new Indigenous Studies Minor.

We at HYP are thrilled to share the work and insights of these distinguished Indigenous scholars and advocates with the Halifax community.

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