It’s time to submit your book proposal for the Penguin Random House Canada MFA Prize!

It’s time to submit your book proposal for the Penguin Random House Canada MFA Prize!

Submissions for the Penguin Random House Canada MFA Prize are now open. The prize consists of $2,500, a conversation with a Penguin Random House Canada editor and an offer of representation from Westwood Creative Artists.

To be eligible:

  • You must be a King’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction student in your graduating year or be a graduate of the program.
  • Your book proposal project has not been accepted for publication or currently published.
  • Your book proposal has been developed in part or in total in the MFA program.

Students and alumni who have representation may submit, and should they be selected, their prize would consist of $2,500 and a conversation with a Penguin Random House Canada editor. (In such cases, no offer of agency representation would be made.)

Your entry should:

  • Consist of a book proposal including sample chapter(s), total page limit (including proposal and chapters) of 50 pages
  • Be double-spaced, 12-pt type, in a Word document. File name should be AuthorLastName_PRHCSub_2019

Deadline for submission is midnight Atlantic time on Thursday, February 28, 2019.

Submissions will be judged by a jury consisting of a Penguin Random House Canada nonfiction editor, a representative from the King’s School of Journalism or a published MFA graduate, and an agent from Westwood Creative Artists. Prize will be awarded in May 2019.

Submit via email with subject line “PRHC MFA Entry” to kim.pittaway@ukings.ca

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