Journalism grads advocate for gender parity in N.B. politics

Journalism grads advocate for gender parity in N.B. politics

Robyn Tingley, BJ’97, is a founding member of a New Brunswick group called Women for 50%, a gender parity initiative that supports women in politics.

The goal of Women For 50% is to have women make up half of the candidates running for each party in the 2018 provincial election. According to their website, they aim to do this by creating awareness of the need for more women in elected office, encouraging women to run for electing office, and building a sustainable future.

In April, Robyn held a professional development and networking for women fundraiser for Women for 50% with a goal of raising $30,000.

Robyn invited fellow journalists-turned-entrepreneurs Eleanor Austin, BJ(Hons)’81, and Katie Bowden, BA(Hons)’94, BJ’96, to present at the conference and when the three women got together for a planning meeting, they discovered they were all King’s journalism alumnae.

“What are the odds of that? Civic-minded storytellers who feel compelled to support gender equality in politics,” says Robyn.

By pooling their tremendous talents, Robyn says, the women managed to pack the place. “Two hundred women came together and we raised over $50,000 for Women for 50%.

We all feel grateful for our solid education and the teachings from the J-school.”

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