King’s journalism students win Emerge Media award

King’s journalism students win Emerge Media award

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

A group of King’s journalism students and their professor are celebrating today after winning an Emerge Media Award last night for audio storytelling.

The students in the Radio Workshop created a podcast called “What if the Halifax Explosion Never Happened?” The podcast was produced for The Signal, a news website for online student work. It was created for the 100th anniversary of the Halifax explosion. In 25 minutes, the podcast includes interviews with historians, researchers, doctors and scientists who discuss what the city may have gained and lost if the Mont Blanc and IMO had not collided in The Narrows on Dec. 6, 1917.

Students Trent Erickson, Will Gordon, Cameron Honey, Aviva Jacob, Danielle McCreadie, Nermeen Ramadan and Jayde Tynes share the prize.

On learning they’d won, McCreadie tweeted:

The Emerge Media Awards celebrate and showcase the achievements of journalism, media studies and communications students in Canada. They recognize the best writing, editing, videography, audio, graphic design, communications and public relations work done at the post-secondary level across Canada.

“This was a group of students that took a story that was everywhere that week and applied creative and critical thinking to make is something unique,” says their professor, Pauline Dakin.

Check out their award-winning work here.

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