Assistant Professor of Journalism Pauline Dakin (MFA ’15) launched her new book Run, Hide, Repeat: A Memoir of a Fugitive Childhood at the Halifax Central Library on Sept. 7.
“It was a remarkable night, a full house and a very warm audience,” says Dakin.
The book, published by Penguin Random House Canada/Viking, is a memoir that tells the story of a Dakin’s childhood and running away with her family—twice—to restart their lives. When she was in her 20s she was told by her mother they had been running from the mafia. But the truth was even more shocking: the story was a cruel hoax.
Dakin says completing the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction degree, a joint offering of the University of King’s College’s School of Journalism and Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Graduate Studies, gave her the structure and support she needed to write such a personal story.
“It was an incredibly supportive but still rigorous learning environment. I’m not sure I could have written this book without the deadlines and structure the program imposed,” says Dakin.
Prior to coming to King’s, Dakin was Senior Producer, Current Affairs Programming (Nova Scotia) for CBC Radio, national health reporter for CBC News, and host of the regional documentary program Atlantic Voice. She teaches in the Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Journalism (Hons.) programs at King’s. She also writes and produces documentaries.
Run, Hide, Repeat is her first book.