Message concerning September 20 protests

Message concerning September 20 protests

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Peninsula, including the University of King's College, is currently under a boil water advisory.

Dear King’s community,

Yesterday in Halifax and in locations around Canada, a group of people tried to promote an anti-2SLGBTQIA+ agenda, one that specifically targets and impacts trans and gender non-conforming people. The University of King’s College rejects this agenda and the ideology, culture of fear, bad science and prejudice that lies behind it. Equally and in the strongest possible terms, King’s celebrates and supports the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, and proudly identifies as an institution that is every day made better by the contributions of the strong queer community who make up King’s students, faculty and staff.

It is good to know that in Halifax, the vocal minority of protesters was met with counter-protest and statements rejecting the hatred and rhetoric that characterizes this movement. As this shows, anti-2SLGBTQIA+ campaigners do not get to define the terms, or have the last word. I am proud to say that every day, our small campus defies this narrow vision with an ever-expanding list of events, societies, support staff and support groups intended to embrace and celebrate 2SLGBTQIA+ life. From the fantastic drag show held in the HMCS Wardroom during Orientation Week to the weekly meetings of the Trans Student Support Group and the creation of the Deane Little Community Support Centre—and the upcoming Queering the Quad celebration on October 11—we are advancing the culture of love, kindness and evidence-based research that we and so many others believe in.

To those members of the King’s community who feel scared, uneasy or simply tired of such assaults on your identity, King’s stands with you, King’s supports you and King’s will continue in our work to do better by you and offer what you need to not only feel safe, but to thrive.

If you are a member of the community who is experiencing distress or who wishes to access support in relation to these events, please know that you can contact Jordan Roberts, the Sexual Health and Safety Officer, for a confidential appointment. Jordan can be reached by email at jordan.roberts@ukings.ca, or by text or phone at 902.229.6123. There will also be a debrief space for trans and questioning students on Friday, Sept. 22 from 12:30-2 p.m. Students can drop in at any point that works for them. For the location, please email Student Support Advisor Isaac Wright, isaac.wright@ukings.ca.



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