Mirror ‘Reflections’

Mirror 'Reflections'

King's campus closing at 1 p.m.: Due to anticipated weather conditions, King's and Dalhousie are closing at 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13. Click here for more information.


Friends of the college, Bea Doucet and Jim Davis of Doucet-Watts & Davis Interiors, were the creative inspiration and spent many months and a little elbow grease restoring the President’s Lodge to its former glory.

During the renovations the hall ceiling was lowered to accommodate modern electrical and plumbing needs. The dropped ceiling means that the large ornate mirror, which had been a fixture in the hall for many years, is now too tall to fit the space and will find a new home at King’s. To ensure that the mirror shines as brightly as it ever did, Jim has set out to lovingly restore this classic piece.

If you’ve attended a function in the President’s Lodge in the past, you may have been enraptured by an ornate floor-to-ceiling mirror in the front hall. Looking back over old photos, the golden-fringed mirror has figured heavily in memories of alumni functions from days gone by.

During the renovations, it was removed from the lodge for safe-keeping; now it’s getting some tender loving care of its own.

About the mirror

mirror-archivePrior to coming to the lodge, records indicate it previously resided in a house on Oxford street. A catalogue prepared by the King’s archives dates it c.1850-1860, and provides the following description:

“Large hall mirror, pine and gesso gilt; large plate glass mirror without bevel; low arched top surmounted by carved crest with circular central motif flanked by acanthus leaf and two swag garlands; rope-moulded frame surrounding glass with continuous leaf motif, with morning-glory relief carving; base with acanthus leaf and relief scrolls.”

Remarkably, the mirror which stands approximately 8 1/4 feet tall and 6 feet wide was originally designed to be an over-the-mantel mirror.

The restoration begins

Jim Davis of Doucet-Watts & Davis Interiors is kindly and lovingly restoring the mirror. They’ve sent some photos from his studio:

mirror-work2 mirror-work1

Do you have a fond memory of this mirror? Help us tell future stories about the mirror and be featured in a future edition of Mirror ‘Reflections’. Send your memories to kathy.miller@ukings.ca.

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