MPHEC Class of 2012 Survey

MPHEC Class of 2012 Survey

Boil Water Advisory (Update): Halifax Water has continued the Boil Water Advisory due to a potential risk of unsafe drinking water.

Did you graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in 2012?

If so, you may receive an email invitation or phone call to participate in a Maritime-wide survey being conducted by an independent research firm, Advanis, on behalf of the Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission and in collaboration with the University of King’s College.

If you complete the survey, you will be offered a chance to win one of 10 prizes of $500 cash (more information on terms and conditions below).

If you wish, you can complete the survey now by clicking the link below.

Survey is now closed.

The project is funded by the governments of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. The survey will provide information about graduates’ transitions between education and work, financing education (including student loan repayment) and their opinions about their university experience.

We encourage you to participate – the results will help universities, governments and student associations in the region better assist students and graduates.

The answers you provide will be kept strictly confidential and only analyzed in aggregate. Questions about the study can be addressed to Advanis at 1-866-539-7798 or sdaygrads2012@advanis.ca.

More information about the MPHEC and the survey program may be found here: http://www.mphec.ca/.

Information about the Random Prize draw terms and conditions is available here: https://surveys.advanis.ca/media/grads2012/3449_MPHEC_Drawrules_en.htm.

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