Night FYP, now in its 4th year, is a lecture series that gives students in the Foundation Year Program (FYP) an opportunity to experience directly, through a combination of performance and lecture, the “worlds” of thought and culture they study during the day in FYP. Due to COVID-19, lectures are currently not open to the public.
“Chanting the Mysteries: Gregorian chant from late antiquity to Hildegaard”
Thursday, November 5th, 2020
Paul and Nick Halley delivered this lecture together with the Chapel Choir, bringing into direct, visceral contact with the shapes and sounds of Medieval Europe. Spoken bits of the lecture were interspersed with passages from the vast range of song found under the umbrella term “Gregorian Chant”. Following the 45-minute presentation there was an interactive portion.
“The Hype4Homer Project: Views from the Nexus of Hip-Hop and the Ancient Greek” Poetic Tradition
Wednesday, September 16th, 2020
Dr. Brandon Bourgeois, an assistant professor of Classics at the University of Southern California, is the founder and creative director of “The Hype4Homer Project,” which translates the poetry of Homer and other ancient Greeks into hip-hop performance art. Donning his reversible hat as a translator and music-producer, Dr. Bourgeois has embarked on an ambitious and exciting project—the Trilliad—the world’s first hip-hop, audio-book translation of Homer’s 3,000 year-old epic, the Iliad. There are remarkable similarities between ancient Greek poetics and modern-day rap, with oral performance being only the most prominent. In this Zoom lecture, Dr. Bourgeois explained the genesis and mission of “The Hype4Homer Project,” played recordings from his work-in-progress, and answered questions about what it means to draw these two oral poetic traditions together—“where tha Culture and Classics meet.”