President Bill Lahey, in his capacity of Chair of the Board of Directors of EfficiencyOne, has been named a recipient of the 2018 Clean50 Award – one of 50 Canadians to be so honoured.
Together with Stephen MacDonald, EfficiencyOne CEO, the two are being recognized for their industry-leading efforts promoting energy efficiency and reducing CO? emissions in Nova Scotia.
Clean50 recognizes individuals and teams from 16 different categories that have made the greatest contributions to sustainable development or clean capitalism in Canada between January 1, 2015 and March 31, 2017.
In 2016, the non-profit organization achieved $150 million in energy cost savings for Nova Scotians and 700,000 tonnes of avoided CO? emissions, at a cost-saving of approximately three cents per kWh. Since 2010, EfficiencyOne has engaged over 250,000 Nova Scotians in energy efficiency programming and reduced the province’s electricity use by nine percent. EfficiencyOne’s model of outsourcing the delivery of efficiency programs to local businesses creates jobs, supports local economic growth, and has helped build a new and innovative industry in the province.
“It truly is a privilege to represent Nova Scotia and the work being done in our province,” says President Lahey. “My board colleagues and I are keenly aware of, and committed to, our role in driving an organizational culture of high-performance at EfficiencyOne, which includes a strong focus on innovation and continuous improvement.”