A few of my favourite things…at King’s! Meet King’s College Staff Award recipient Ben Robinson

A few of my favourite things...at King's! Meet King’s College Staff Award recipient Ben Robinson

We sat down with fourth-year Contemporary Studies student Ben Robinson, a recipient of the new King’s College Staff Award, to learn about his life as a King’s student and what this award means to him.

What’s your all-time favourite book and why?

In the Skin of a Lion by Michael Ondaatje… it includes so many spots that are familiar to me and the way he draws together characters and narrative arcs is beautiful.

What was your first impression of King’s?

Small and welcoming, very easy to meet people and make friends.

What’s your best King’s day so far?

Hard to pick… I feel like I have great King’s days pretty regularly.

What do you like most about King’s so far?

Being able to draw a trajectory from the Classics part of my degree to the Contemporary Studies part, and understand how they fit together.

What’s your favourite Prince Hall food?

Unlimited coffee.

What’s your favourite hang-out place in Halifax?

The Dal/King’s Bike Centre.

What’s your favourite place on campus?

The third floor of the NAB / A&A looking out over the Arm, or probably the Chapel.

What would you want King’s staff to know about what this award means to you?

I’m very grateful for the assistance this award has provided in allowing me to stay another year at King’s, meeting new people and continuing to study with excellent professors and students.

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