Dear students in the residence community,
As noted in President Lahey’s COVID Update from this morning, we wanted to provide more details about living in residence during the Winter 2022 term. With the information and resources laid out below, you’ll be able to support yourself and others in the residence community through this wave of COVID. Below is the most current information we have available.
What is happening in residence right now?
As of January 4, residence is open for those who wish to be here. Whatever the right decision for you is, it is your choice when or whether to return to residence.
What if I want to return to residence later in the term?
Complete this quick and easy one-question arrival date form. If you don’t know your plans yet but expect to arrive at some point later in the term, email Senior Don Brianna Legere to let her know.
What will life in residence be like when I return?
Information and guidelines from Public Health are always subject to change. However, based on what we know today, these are the notable arrangements in residence right now:
- Upon arriving at residence, students must complete a rapid test, which will be provided to you at the Alex Hall front desk. Complete the rapid test as soon as possible and contact Senior Don Brianna (contact information below) if your test comes back positive. Even a faint line is considered a positive result. Check your email from January 4 for a message with the subject line, “Instructions for Rapid Tests for Residence Students” for instructions on what to do if you test positive for Covid.
- Prince Hall: In-person dining will only be available to those living in residence, and the Hall’s overall capacity will be limited to 150 people. Seating has been re-arranged to promote physical distancing and smaller table seating. Take-out options are also available. Mask wearing will be strictly enforced when people are not actively eating or drinking.
- Masks: Public Health now requires the use of three-ply masks in all settings. King’s-branded three-ply cloth masks are available for pickup at the Alex Hall front desk. Disposable three-ply masks are also available throughout residence. Three-ply masks are required at all times when not in your room. This includes hallways, common rooms, Prince Hall when not actively eating, and anytime you are with others. No food or drink will be permitted in common rooms to ensure proper masking is upheld at all times. The longer you are in proximity to someone unmasked, the greater your chances of contracting COVID if one of you is positive. To help protect one another, please insist your friends wear three-ply masks whenever you’re together. Strict mask enforcement will be followed. Not wearing a three-ply mask could lead to disciplinary action without additional warning. Again, all masks supplied by King’s, both branded and disposable will be three-ply.
- Programming: Virtual and limited in-person programming will continue following necessary COVID guidelines.
- Limit contact with others: We expect you to keep to a consistent social group of no more than the required limit (currently 10 consistent people). Keep track of who you eat meals with and who you spend extended time with—these are your close contacts in case you get sick. Common room occupancy and in-person programming will also be limited to this number.
What happens if I get sick with Covid or any other illness?
- If you are a close contact or are symptomatic, self-isolate in your room immediately and text or call Senior Don Brianna, who will support your next steps.
- If you get sick with COVID it can be frustrating and scary, especially if you’ve been doing “everything right”, but there is no shame in contracting COVID. Your privacy is paramount. You may choose to share that you’re sick with others, but you do not have to. King’s will only notify a small group of staff confidentially on a need-to-know basis. Community-wide communications will not go out unless directed by Public Health, and even then, individual privacy will always be protected. We will take care of you—bring you meals, offer check-ins, provide you access to mental and physical health supports. It won’t be easy, but we will be in it together as a residence community.
What if I don’t want to return to residence?
- If you are at increased risk for severe outcomes, residence may not be an appropriate living environment. If you are not comfortable returning to residence given the likelihood of COVID in our community, complete this withdrawal form and you will receive a pro-rated refund of residence fees.
- We are working on plans to support students who want to withdraw from residence and still have belongings on campus. Please stay tuned for more information.
Important Contact Information
Brianna Legere (she/her)
Senior Don
Ashley Nixon (they/them)
Assistant Dean of Residence
It’s tough to embrace these new measures when we’ve all already done so much to keep our community safe. We’re implementing these new measures on the direction of Public Health and because it’s helps us to continue receiving the benefits of living together in community, which comes with its advantages like mental health, social, and academic supports. As always, remember that there are people around you who can help you, as well as people who are counting on your help.
Take care,
Katie Merwin (she/her)
Dean of Students