Welcome to the 2016-2017 Foundation Year Programme class

Welcome to the 2016-2017 Foundation Year Programme class

We are delighted that you have chosen FYP and are sure that you will find the year both intense and engaging! As you begin to prepare for the upcoming academic term, there are some things that will be useful to keep in mind:


All FYP students attend the lectures together, which are from 9:35-11:25 four mornings a week (MWRF) for Arts, Journalism and Music students, and three mornings a week (MWF) for Science students. You will also be in a tutorial group which meets for one hour after each lecture. When you register for FYP, you should also register for your FYP tutorial time and your elective course or courses. FYP tutorials are offered at three times – 11:35, 12:35 and 1:35. You will probably want to choose your elective class(es) first and then select a tutorial time that works around them. You will soon be getting more detailed registration information from our Registrar’s Office (via email) which will take you through this process and tell you whom to contact if you have questions or need assistance.


Incoming students often want to do some reading during the summer. We shall be emailing you the book list when it is ready in June, and the list is also available online. Any additions will be posted online as well. The book list will also indicate a small number of suggested readings for the summer. These readings are not mandatory, but they may whet the appetites of eager students for what is to come! The books will be available for purchase from the King’s bookstore during the summer. Other readings will be in the FYP Handbooks, which can be picked up from the Foundation Year office when you arrive in the Fall (we shall be posting times/dates for when the handbooks can be picked up from the FYP office prior to the first FYP class – again, keep checking the FYP webpage (noted above)).

The First Week

We encourage you to participate in Orientation to get a feel for the campus and the wide range of possibilities open to you as a King’s student. Foundation Year begins at full tilt, with the first lecture and tutorial on Wednesday September 7th, the day following the regular first day of classes at King’s and Dalhousie.


Students have available not only support services offered at King’s – by FYP, the Registrar’s office and Residence – but also at Dalhousie, including Dalhousie’s writing workshop and counselling services. If you are a student with disabilities needing accommodation, you should contact Dalhousie’s Student Accessibilities services before the academic year begins.

Please check the FYP webpage during the summer for other information and updates. If you have any questions, you can phone Pat Dixon at 902.422.1271, x 215 or email her at pat.dixon@ukings.ca We wish you all the best, whether you are in the last stages of your high school career or are coming to Foundation Year via a different path. We hope you have a great summer, and look forward to meeting you in September at King’s.

Dr. Neil Robertson, Director
Dr. Susan Dodd, Associate Director
Ms. Pat. Dixon, Administrative Secretary

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