Boil Water Advisory (Update): Halifax Water has continued the Boil Water Advisory due to a potential risk of unsafe drinking water.
MBA (University of New Brunswick) MSc (Azad University) BSc (University of Applied Science and Technology)
Amir is the IT/AV Officer at the University of King’s College. Prior to coming to the University of King’s College, he worked as a Systems Administrator/IT Professional for several corporations for 10+ years in various sectors including healthcare, construction, and production industries. He received his M.Sc. in Information Technology with specialization in Computer Networks in 2020 where he did his thesis on Internet of Things, and received his MBA from the University of New Brunswick in 2022 where he received an MBA Entrance Award and worked as a Teaching Assistant. Amir strives to provide a cyber-safe environment at the University of King’s College and raise cybersecurity awareness. His primary interests are Cybersecurity, Privacy, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, and Data Analytics. Amir is married to Mina Safari and in his leisure time, he enjoys hiking, camping, playing video games, and spending time with his wife in nature.