Emily Pictou-Roberts

Emily Pictou-Roberts

Indigenous Support and Outreach Coordinator

Boil Water Advisory: Halifax Water has issued a Boil Water Advisory due to a potential risk of unsafe drinking water.

Emily Pictou-Roberts Emily Pictou-Roberts

BA(Hons)'20, Combined Honours in Early Modern Studies and History

Pronouns: she/her

Emily Pictou-Roberts is a proud member of Millbrook First Nation and granddaughter of living Shubenacadie Residential School survivor, Robert Pictou. A Mi’kmaw graduate of University of King’s College (BA Combined Honours in Early Modern Studies and History), and former History Interpreter at the Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Centre, she is inspired by the opportunity to combine her academic and cultural backgrounds as the Indigenous Support and Outreach Coordinator. She was the first Nsukwi’ in Residence in Atlantic Canada.

As Indigenous Support and Outreach Coordinator, Emily provides cultural, emotional and spiritual support, ensuring the application of Mi’kmaw perspectives. Her goals include, but are not limited to:

  • Consolidating easy to access information on mental health supports, housing supports, and scholarships for Indigenous students
  • Providing opportunities for ceremony
  • Hosting traditional crafting workshops
  • Advocating for Indigenous students on and off campus

Most importantly, Emily’s main goal is simply to show up and be there for our Indigenous students.