Emma Kuzmyk

Writing and Digital Content Coordinator

Advancement Office

| Staff Member

Emma Kuzmyk Emma Kuzmyk

BA (St. FX), MFA (Vind., underway)

Emma (she/her) is a writer, learner and avid coffee drinker who’s thankful to call Halifax home. She holds a BA in English from St.FX and is proud to be in the very first cohort of the Master of Fine Arts in Fiction program at King’s.

Emma’s professional experience, like her education, is centered on a love for art and storytelling in all their forms. She’s produced digital content for non-profit organizations like the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre, We Worthy Women, and Halifax City Soccer Club, often incorporating original illustrations into her designs, and her writing has appeared in Room Magazine and various news outlets. She is a curator of the anthology This Wasn’t on the Syllabus and has been impatiently working away on a speculative fiction novel, for which she fears she may never come up with a title.

Emma has loved being part of the King’s community as a student, and she’s thrilled to now be a small part of fostering that community feel by ensuring King’s many events, opportunities and stories reach and resonate with students, faculty and alumni.